The Friends Evangel

With the Superitendent ~ Jonathan Edwards

The following words penned by William Gaither and so deeply etched into our memories speak so vibrantly to us throughout the year but especially during Easter Season:

            Because He lives, I can face tomorrow; Because He lives all fear is gone,

            Because I know He holds the future; and life is worth the living just because He lives.

Of the many wonderful truths found within the Word of God and the doctrines that we teach and adhere to, the doctrine of the Resurrection stands out in stark contrast to all other religions apart from Christianity.  Many are the tombs and graves that have become shrines by the followers of those leaders who have declared to have the truth in contradiction to Jesus Christ the Son of God.  But while the arguments and debates continually attempt to prove one true over another one stark contrast remains.  “I serve a Risen Saviour, He’s in the world today.  I know that He is living, whatever men may say.  I know that He is leading through all the stormy blast.  The day of His appearing will come at last.”

The words of Gaither from above continue as follows:

            And then one day I’ll cross that river.  I’ll fight life’s final war with pain.

            And then as death gives way to victory, I’ll see the lights of glory

                        and I’ll know He reigns!

What a hope we as Christians have as we look into the future.  The future is bright because of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ!  The apostle Paul wrote, “But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.  For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again (and we do), even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him (I Thessalonians 4:13-14).

As we look back over February and March, LuRhe and I were grateful on the evening of February 25 to be able to attend the revival meeting at the Pilgrim Nazarene church in Muncie and be ministered to that night by Evangelist Bro. David Fulton.  We enjoyed being in the meeting that night and so appreciated and enjoyed the ministry of Bro. Fulton.  The very next weekend, March 3-5, our annual Youth Retreat was held at Randolph Friends Church with Bro. Eric Going serving as our evangelist and a group from UBC taking charge of the music ministry.  We had a tremendous turnout of young people for the entire weekend.  On Friday night we had an attendance of 114 with 60 of them being young people.  The next day approximately 70 young people showed up for the activities that were held at the STEPS Youth Center all day.  The activities included a Bible study in the morning with a variety of games throughout the day as well as a time of choir practice to prepare a special song for Sunday morning.  Three meals were served throughout the day and then we were back in service Saturday night with 111 present and 51 of those being young people.  Sunday morning was a great climax with 172 present and with 80 of those being teens who sang a special song that morning entitled “Holy, Holy.” Bro. Going did a great job preaching that morning and the Presence of the Lord was very precious.  Throughout the weekend eight young people prayed to be saved or to move closer to the Lord!  It truly was an inspirational weekend. 

The very next week beginning on Tuesday night the annual Bus and Outreach Convention was held in Westfield, March 7-9.  A great group of representatives from multiple CYM churches were present for the various tracks and sessions that ran simultaneously during the day, with all joining together for the evening services.  The Outreach Convention is a great opportunity to be inspired with various ideas and inspirations to encourage a fresh focus on outreach into our communities.  While the Outreach Convention appropriately appeals to a wide variety of denominations of like faith, I was exceptionally pleased with the CYM presence that was there! 

On Saturday evening, March 11, LuRhe and I attended the revival meeting in progress at the New Castle Pilgrim Holiness Church where our son-in-law, Evangelist Paul Stetler, was ministering along with his sister and brother-in-law, Tim and Julia Cole.  We were ministered to that night and were grateful for the opportunity to be with Paul and the people of that congregation.  The next week LuRhe and I ministered as song evangelists at the North Central Ohio IHC, March 14-16, that was held in Delaware, Findlay and Lima.  We enjoyed being a part of the ministry team that week, working with Bro. Darrell Stetler and Bro. Steve Smith. 

On March 25, the date originally set for Midyear Conference a large group of ladies of the Sparrow Creek and Randolph Friends Meetings attended a Women of Worth Meeting that was held at Shelbyville, IN.  LuRhe being a part of that group shared of the inspiring time they shared together that day.  That evening she accompanied me to the Union Friends Church revival meeting where we were so happy to enjoy being in the service that night with our “friends” and enjoyed the music ministry that night of Jerry and Joseph Slaughter and the wonderful preaching ministry of Bro. David Fulton.  We thoroughly enjoyed his ministry that night.  There was such a beautiful spirit of unity and excitement in the service!  We so appreciate the pastoral leadership of Bro. Mark Mowery.  The next morning, we were happy to be back at Randolph Meeting with our congregation there before leaving again on Tuesday, March 28, to begin a revival meeting at the Lima, OH, Pilgrim Holiness Church.  We were certainly blessed of the Lord nightly as He anointed us in singing and preaching as we did our best to minister to the congregation there.  It was a joy to be with Pastor Don and Ruth Nichols along with assistant Pastor Caleb and Autumn Ziegler.  We were also blessed to be accompanied a couple nights by our son and daughter-in-law, Jesse and Merari Edwards, along with our grandchildren, Matteo and Jaci.  The two nights they were there, they were a blessing in assisting with the singing.  Looking back we can certainly praise the Lord for His constant accompanying Presence and for His safety He provides!

Tetelestai - It Is Finished!

by Nicole Thomas

Final words have a power behind them. As they are the last message to leave behind. I don’t believe it to be any general statement to believe that Jesus’ final words on the cross to be any less significant.
”It is finished” would be simple enough; however when we look at the Greek translations of this phrase the message becomes deeper and would’ve meant something different for every individual there.
To the priests “Tetelestai” would’ve been the final phrase given over the sacrifice. Jesus was obviously refering to himself as the final sacrifice for sins and there would be no need for the priests to perform these crifices any longer.
To the businessmen and merchants nearby, “tetelestai” would’ve be the word they gave at the end of a business transaction meaning the payment has been made in full. The buyer owes nothing. Just as the purchase of our sin has been made in full.

To the judges present “tetelestai” would be the statement they give to the prisoner, meaning their sentence had been served. They owed no other time prison to pay for their crimes. Just as our death sentence for sin had been served by Jesus on our behalf.

To the Roman centurians present, “tetelestai” would be a phrase they would say at the end of a long campaign. It meant the battle was won completely and totally. No hope of the enemy turning back and fighting again. Jesus had won the battle of temptation of sin and against Satan forever.
This Easter claim the final words of Jesus “tetelestai”. Have security in the final and complete sacrifice for sin, the payment for it made in full, the sentence of death served, and the battle over sin won forever.

What My Mother Has “Mint” To Me

Mother’s Day 2023

 Pam Baker

Through the years, my mother has “mint” a lot to me. Thoughtful words, and sincerely “mint”…but how can such a simple state-“mint” contain everything that a mother pours into her child? There is no measure-“mint” for all that my mother means to me, but these words came to mind:

1.    Commit-“mint”

To her faith, her family, her home, her work, her word…She taught me that who you say you are only matters if you character reflects it; what you say you do only matters if your actions accomplish it; who you say you love only matters if your commit-“mint” proves true.

2.    Involve-“mint”

My mother was resolved to be involved…home-cooked meals, family game time, church organizations…even knowing my favorite things and who my friends were. She poured herself into my life and left frag-”mints” of herself behind.

3.    Invest-“mint”

My mother wasn’t just involved in my life, she invested in my future. Teaching skills, imparting wisdom, and providing for my education. She also invested many prayers, tears, and discipline in me so that her invest-”mint” would pay eternal dividends.

4.    Encourage-“mint” and Enjoy-“mint”

My mother’s invest-“mint” was backed up with encourage-“mint” to do my best, learn new things, to work hard, and to excel. Now she and I have many things to share and enjoy together.

Because of all she has “mint” to me, I will do my best to return blessings and praise on her!


Teen View

“From Nobody to Somebody”

Take Time to be Holy

Samuel L. Brengle

A woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak (Matthew 9:20, NIV).

She was a nobody. Everybody was tired of the sight of her, but into the throng she came with her bloodless face and tired eyes and threadbare clothes. The crowd jostled her, trampled upon her feet, and blocked her way, but she was inspired by a new hope. If she could only reach Jesus and touch but the hem of His garment. . . Edging her way through the crowd, she at last stretched forth a wasted, bony hand to touch His robe, and something happened! Instantly she was well!

And something had happened to Jesus! He said, “Who touched me?” That one timid touch was different from the crush of the crowd. Jesus said, “Somebody touched me, for I felt the power went out from me” (Luke 8:46, Phillips).

The nobody had suddenly become somebody. Others may have sneered at her, but she pressed on as best she could till she touched Jesus, and that touch gave her all her heart’s desire and rewarded all he effort.

People who go to Jesus do not always find it easy. Others get in the way - sometimes they stoutly oppose; sometimes they sneer and ridicule. But those who press on and on will find Him, reach Him, touch Him, and get all their heart’s desire.

Church News

Union Friends Church

Westfield, IN

Mark Mowery, pastor

Greetings from Union Friends Church!

We have been very busy these last couple of months - revival services, Easter activities, and end of school events. The Lord has blessed us through them all and we cannot fail to give Him the glory!

The Lord blessed our revival services with Bro. David Fulton March 21-26. We are always grateful to hear the preaching of the Word and feel the presence of the Spirit. Due to a scheduling conflict, Mid-Year Conference was moved to April 8 and we were honored to host this annual event. We enjoyed a good lunch together and lifted the afternoon service due to it being Easter weekend and many had other plans and preparations for Sunday services.  In the afternoon we organized an Easter egg hunt for our Kid’s Club children and their families. We had 28 children and 13 adults in attendance. Cookies, cupcakes and punch were enjoyed as well. The following day we celebrated Resurrection Sunday - praise God for a risen Savior!

On May 6, several ladies in our congregation attended and enjoyed the Women of Worth event at Noblesville Pilgrim Holiness Church. In May we were also privileged to host the music group Witness from Union Bible College and enjoy their ministry through song. We also lifted our evening services the last week of May to attend UBC Celebration Week and hear Rev. Rollin Mitchell speak.

On May 27, the young ladies from Heidi Edwards’ Bible study group held a bake sale to raise funds for a special trip. Their hard work was rewarded and they earned over $400. We are so blessed to have Jamin and Heidi Edwards leading our Kid’s Club ministry and teaching these children to grow in Christ!

Sparrow Creek Friends

Winchester, IN

Daniel Edwards, Pastor


         After bustling activity during the end-of-year holidays, a slower pace in the early months of a new year can be appreciated. We then benefit by time thinking on those things which are otherwise pushed to the side. On Sunday evenings at Sparrow Creek, our good pastor lead us through some interesting self reflection studies authored by Bro. Tim Keep. The topics directed us to evaluate what we say, as well as what we think. Using the word “HALT” can alert us to be extra cautious when we interact with others, recognizing that we are the susceptible or vulnerable to missteps when we are:





The tempter can take advantage of these opportunites of human weakness to harm our testimony, example, and witness. We appreciated these improvement lessons.

Readers may recall the report in this correspondence last year on a new outreach ministry developed by our own Aaron Welsh delivering fun gift boxes to homes in the vicinity of our church. The success of that campaign prompted a repeat even this year on the afternoon of Palm Sunday. Our “missionaries” divided into several teams to deliver a total of 100 boxes. Of course, the main objective of the project was an invitation to worship with us at Sparrow Creek. However, it is probably safe to say that participation in the day was just as uplifting for those presenting the package as for those on the receiving end. Timothy Edwards and Daniel Ely joined this writer to meet residents on a country road south of the meetinghouse. Although Timmy was ready to “sacrifice” Daniel’s leg to a wary German Shepherd at one visit, the friendly homeowner prevented any mishap, and the overall experience was very positive! Please help us pray over our outreach efforts and trust that they will bear fruit over time.

Several pastors of the Winchester Area Ministerial Association combined their efforts this year to present the message of Good Friday to our community. A brass and piano ensemble beautifully played hymns relevant to the day to accompany the reading of biblical accounts witnessing events which lead to the Cross of Calvary. The somber atmosphere served to remind listeners the extent of what our Savior endured because of His love for mankind. Those able to attend the services would likely agree that the program succeeded as a thought-provoking and moving response to the significance of Good Friday as part of the divine plan of salvation. We look forward to future inspirational events from this group of dedicated leaders.

Resurrection Sunday dawned bright, warm, and beautiful at Sparrow Creek as we welcomed a congregation of 92 for the Easter morning service. The musical presentation “Risen” was performed by the choir, and we all appreciated an encouraging message from our good pastor. As in years past, the kids enjoyed an egg hunt in the church yard.

The following week, several members of the congregation traveled to the Interchurch Holiness Convention in Gatlinburg, which provided us the opportunity to welcome Jesse Edwards as guest speaker for our midweek meeting. Several from Randolph Friends joined us to hear the good thoughts Jesse shared that night. On the evening of April 16, Julia Bange returned with an update on her ministry to the deaf in Romania. We are pleased to support Julia in her work and continue to pray God’s blessing on this worthy mission.

As we know, Spring and the month of May bring expectations of change, growth, and renewal; not only in the natural world, but also in the events of our personal lives. Several of our young people are moving into new phases of life, and we are pleased to celebrate these special days with them.

Jaime Hancock graduated from his studies at Union Bible College on May 26. On May 27, Kendra Peck and Daniel Brandon exchanged wedding vows, and we look forward to the good things in store for their union. On June 3, a reception with Abigail Peck marked the completion of her high school career. The church family is encouraged watching our young people mature, and we continue to trust the Lord’s leadership in their progress.

It seems that many in our congregation are in a season of difficulty as our weekly prayer request list continues to grow. Health issues, loss of loved ones, and spiritual concerns have been repeatedly lifted by the church family; but answers to our prayers are also evident. We are grateful to know that God’s eye is on our situations of life, and we do appreciate the prayers of our readers as well.

~ Bryan Kendrick, Correspondent

Wedding Announcement

Congratulations to the happy couple, Daniel Brandon and Kendra (Peck) Brandon, united in holy matrimony on May 27, 2023!

In Memory…

Michelle L. Covert, age 42, of Vonore, passed away 1:04 P.M. Wednesday, May 3, 2023, at U.T. Medical Center. She is preceded in death by brother Brent Bishop, grandparents Adrian & Clara Bishop and Gerald & Leah Erskine.

Survivors-Husband: David Covert; Children: Cordell, Colton, Christyona and Clara Covert; Mother: Sherry Bishop; Father: Pete Bishop; Siblings: Matthew Bishop, Stacy (Cliff) Nichols, Brian Bishop, Candy (Sam) Bundy, Andrea Bishop, Andrew Bishop, Cyria Bishop, Candace Kirkland; Father-in-law and mother-in-law: David & Julie Covert; Sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law: Shannon Bishop, Christina Bishop, Christen & Andrew Strike and Dustin Covert.

A Celebration of Life was held at 2:00 PM on Monday, May 8, 2023 at Vonore Baptist Church. An out of state service was held at 2:00 PM on Monday, May 29, 2023 at Randolph Friends Church, officiated by Rev. Jonathan Edwards. Arrangements by Biereley-Hale Funeral Home, Madisonville.

Evangelist Slates

David Fulton, Sr.

June 16-25 Midwest Pilgrim Holiness Church Camp

Frankfort, IN 

June 29 - July 9 New York Pilgrim Holiness Church Camp

Albany, NY 

July 12-16 Allegheny Wesleyan Methodist Youth Camp

Stoneborough, PA

July 24-30 Athens Indian Camp 

Athens, MI

Aug 7-13 Lower Light Camp 

Petersburg, MI 

August 29- Sept 3 Emmanuel Holiness Church 

Bumpass, VA 

Stephen and Nicole Cassady family

June 17 – 25
Wesleyan Nazarene Camp
Fulton, MO

July 24 – 30
Central Yearly Meeting
Muncie, IN

September 26 – October 1
Pilgrim Holiness
Kokomo, IN


The Friends Evangel


The Friends Evangel *Update*