Join us this summer at

Friends Youth Camp!

2025 dates: June 30th - July 4th

We invite all teens, ages 12 through 19, to join us this summer at Friends Youth Camp for only $40!

Registration for 2025 will open in June!

Note: Participation Agreement must be signed by a parent or guardian and brought with you on the first day of camp.

What to expect

Our grounds offer a rural wooded setting that is perfect for a variety of fun activities. Our daily schedule is packed with team building activities, small group devotional sessions, sports recreation, and of course three delicious meals every day! Each evening is ended with a youth focused service in which teens can participate with musical instruments, singing or simply relax, learn about God and enjoy our guest speakers and musicians. A concession stand is conveniently open after evening services, offering ice cream, sodas, snacks and a variety of freshly made food. Our primary goal is to provide a fun and positive atmosphere in which young men and women can learn about God in new and exciting ways!

Our Guest Evangelist

To Be Determined

Financial Assistance

We want to help all the kids we can to experience Youth Camp! Our camp is open to anyone regardless of financial limitation. If you or someone you know would like to attend but needs financial assistance, please contact us via the form below.

What to pack

  • You will want to bring your own sheets (twin sized), blanket or sleeping bag and pillow.

  • Bring your own shower supplies, (shower shoes, body wash, shampoo, wash cloth and towel), toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant, etc.

  • We recommend that you pack sports clothes for recreation, casual clothes for each evening service and a jacket in the event of cool weather or rain.

  • If you have a ball glove, bring it! If you play a musical instrument, bring it too! We also recommend bringing writing materials, your Bible, and some extra cash for the concession stand. A flashlight and bug spray may come in useful as well!


  • Campers must be at least 12 years old, but no older than 19 to participate in the daily activities. As always, ALL ages are welcome to attend the evening services which will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 7:00 pm!

  • Campers attending Youth Camp are expected to participate in daily group activities and display a respectful attitude towards our leadership, volunteers and to other campers. We want everyone to have fun and feel included so that Youth Camp can be a success!

  • Smoking, drugs, alcoholic beverages and fireworks are prohibited on the campgrounds.

Dress Code

  • Clothing must be modest with no vulgar or obscene words or graphics.

  • Skirts or dresses at the knee or below; no shorts, slacks, tank tops or see-through clothing is permitted.

  • No shorts, tank tops or see-through clothing is permitted.

Camp Info

  • Plan to arrive at noon, 12:00 p.m. Monday, at the campgrounds. Registered campers will receive room assignments and a camp schedule upon arrival. There will be a bonfire Monday evening as well as hot dogs and s’mores! The camp address is 5601 East 650 South, Muncie, IN 47302.

  • Our registration fee is only $40.00 per camper and includes lodging for 4 nights as well as 3 delicious meals per day!

  • Youth Camp begins at noon, 12:00 p.m. on Monday and ends on Friday at 3:00 pm.


Have a question or need more information?

If you need more information or have questions about Youth Camp, feel free to contact us by completing the form below.