The Friends Evangel

With the Superitendent ~ Jonathan Edwards

Superintendent’s Report

Change, change, change.  We are living in a world of change.  While we focus on this reality, I am reminded of the Scripture we read in Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.”  The truth is there are some things in life that are bound to change.  If you take time to look at pictures that are at least thirty years old, you are reminded that change has occurred.  Sometimes the evident change is stark. If you leave any building unattended and unmaintained for two to three years and return, you are very quickly reminded that change is imminent.  Even a property left unattended for two to three years with no maintenance and no manicuring will become grown up and almost unrecognizable.  If you live in the northern areas of the United States you are reminded of the many changes that occur seasonally.  But while there are some things in life that will change, there are other things that must not change.  Within the context of our focus verse above, the very next verse in Hebrews 13:9 says, “Be not carried about with various and strange doctrines.  For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace. . .”  While there is some change that is imminent there are many changes in our world today that are based on the choices of “fallen” man.  As God’s people we must be careful to remain securely moored to the foundation of God’s Word which does not change and to the doctrines clearly taught therein so as to refrain from being “carried about with strange doctrines” that exist in our world today.  The thought of “carried” is in reference to things that are not anchored.  In a heavy windstorm there are many things that move around and blow about, but the things that remain unmoved are the things that are securely anchored.  The Bible remains a foundation of ABSOLUTE truth.  In a “woke” world that continues to push moral relativism and many “strange” ideas that are creeping into the church world, we must stay attached to the Word which continues to teach that some things are absolutely right and some things are absolutely wrong.  In the midst of this world of change it is comforting to know One Who never changes.  Let us remain anchored to His unchanging Word and to Him Who is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

 It has been a while since we have communicated through the Friends Evangel, so allow me to summarize what has happened since our last writing.  During the week of October 10-14, Union Bible College hosted “World Changers Week.”  Throughout the week we were given the opportunity to set up a booth to represent CYM and on Friday morning, the 14th, to speak briefly with several different age groups and also represent CYM to them verbally.  The students varied in age group from elementary through junior high and high school to college age students from a variety of departments.  It was somewhat exhilarating as well as challenging to vary the presentation to meet the interest level of the variety of age groups throughout that entire morning.  It was an honor to avail myself of that opportunity to represent CYM in that setting.

Superintendent Jonathan Edwards and wife LuRhe Edwards at UBC World Changers Week Showcase.

The month of November afforded us the opportunity to attend several services of the Sparrow Creek revival and be ministered to by Bro. John Ingram and Jonathan and Jalena Glick.  The singing of the Glicks was very uplifting and the messages brought by Bro. Ingram were both challenging and inspiring.  It was a privilege to attend and worship with our people of the Sparrow Creek Meeting.

 December was a very busy month with a lot of local activity with the Randolph Meeting that will be addressed in the church news of this issue.  As we entered into January it was clear that winter was upon us.  One negative side effect was that we had an underground water line at the campground break and caused a lot of seepage across the property.  On the morning of January 11, with the aid of a mini-excavator and Jesse Edwards, we tackled the daunting task of locating and fixing the problem.  God gave us a window of conducive weather that is unusual for that time of year.  By Thursday, January 12, and approximately sixteen hours later we were able to back fill the trench and cover the repaired and replaced line so that water usage could be restored to our Caretaker’s dwelling.  What a joy to walk away with the project completed!

 The following week, on the morning of January 19, we began our annual southbound trek to visit the Hobe Sound area and some special people along the way.  Throughout the next eight days we enjoyed staying and visiting with our son-in-law, Paul Stetler, Dr. and Mrs. John Enyart as well as many of his children and grandchildren, Marvin and Marjorie Baldwin and Ike and Sondra West.  The warm temperatures were a welcome environment from the frigid temperatures our bodies had grown accustomed to in Indiana.  We even did a little perspiring as the temperatures ascended to 86 degrees on a couple of days.  (What a shame to sweat in January!)  As we prepared to head back north we altered our route slightly to allow us to stop by Franklin, IN, and visit with LuRhe’s parents, Rev. Don and Fayerene Walden.  Approximately 3,000 miles later, on the evening of January 27 we pulled the Yukon back into the familiar “Homestead” and pillowed our heads on our own bed.  What sweet rest!  It was to be short-lived as just a little over 2 days later, early on the morning of January 30 we departed at 3:30 AM to head towards the Indianapolis Airport to begin our flight towards Tacoma, WA.  We experienced an enjoyable week, meeting with new friends and renewing some acquaintances as we preached and sang nightly in the Pierce Co. Holiness Campmeeting.  We were also privileged to take in a little sight seeing while there, experiencing the awe-inspiring beauty of Mt. Ranier, Mt. Baker, Mt. St. Helens, the Olympics Mountain range and a 2-mile walk along the shores of Puget Sound.  I am always inspired by the grandeur of God’s handiwork which is so beautifully displayed in so many ways.  On the evening of Feb. 6 after a peaceful flight from Seattle, WA to Indianapolis, IN, we arrived back home to prepare for the duties that were ahead.  It was on February 17 that we received the sad news of the passing of Esther Avery.  She had been in our prayers since having open heart surgery on January 10.  On February 23 LuRhe and I attended the funeral service held in her memory at Zanesville, OH.  The service was a beautiful tribute to he1981r and the Lord she faithfully served and loved!  Bro. Daniel Edwards did a tremendous job bringing the message that day!  Her brother-in-law, Bro. Mark Avery did so well in officiating joined by her brother, Bro. Terry Newman,  who shared a beautiful eulogy.  Though a very sad time it was inspiring to be present and take in the service that day. 

 At the time of this writing we are anticipating being together again with many of our CYM family at the Mid-year Conference coming up on March 25.

Ideals for the Prayer Meeting

God’s Revivalist

From Friends Evangel issue 3rd Month, 1981

Is the prayer meeting losing its place and force in the holiness movement? Samuel Chadwick once said, “The church that multiplies in committees and neglects prayer may be fussy, noisy, and enterprising, but it labors in vain and spends its strength for naught.”

Do we desire our hearts to keep aflame with heavenly love, to keep our church clean, pure, and productive? Do we wish our Savior’s Name to be exalted in our midst throught the spiritual life of the church and the salvation of souls. Then we must give ourselves to intercession and collective prayer and press the battle against sin and Satan until we lay hold upon God in faith and enjoy a mighty demonstration of the Holy Spirit.

The early church charted her course from the place of prayer. William Culbertson once expresse that the church was formed in a prayer meeting; therefore how can it continue without prayer meetings? Leonard Ravenhill is credited with saying, “The church which began in the Upper Room agonizing is ending in the supper room organizing.”

After fifty-four years in full-time ministry, sixteen of which were in evangelizing and coming to grips with the low level of spirituality in the local church, my soul groans within me as I face the influence of the vanities, pursuits, honors, and pleasures that the world has over professed Christians.

If the church is to survive the present tide of worldliness, compromise, and sin that is fast engulfing the religious world, if we are to keep on fire for God and be instrumental in salvaging wrecks of sin, our prayer meetings must ever remain an important function of the church.

We need to be alert lest mental and spiritual confusion cause us to lose sight of proper objectives. We are called to intercession. There are many benefits to collective praying. Such will release money for the spread of the gospel. It will call men and women to Christian service. It will bring victory in the hour of crisis. Prayer will reconcile to divine providence, steady our spiritual nervous system, mellow our spirit, energize our soul, sweeten our fellowship, and make the practical part of religion easy and joyful.

Since the prayer meeting is so important, let me offer a few suggestions for a worthwhile prayer service. The person in charge should be spiritual, wide awake, and blessed of God. He should have a concern for the spiritual life of the church and conduct the prayer meeting with the thought of worshiping and honoring God as well as encouraging and strenthening the faith of the participants.

There should be some color and variety in the the service. It is true that if the service directed by the Holy Spirit there will be variety, but even good people may hinder the Holy Spirit by a stereotypical program. There can be testimony, Bible study, missionary emphasis, healing meetings, fasting and prayer meetings. We must avoid the drab, colorless, lifeless type of meetings. There must be proper participation. A prayer meeting should be participated by everybody, monopolized by nobody, and where everybody is somebody.

The minister, except on rare occasions, should never monopolize this meeting. It should mainly be the people’s meeting. Guard against the interlude of lost time or “blank spots.” Never allow the meeting to degenerate into extensive filibusters. See to it that they do not use testimony time to air personal complaints. Prayer and praise should ever be the watchword of the prayer meeting.

Encourage everyone to mind God but discourage those elements that are purely human. Oftentimes someone says that they want to “mind God” when the thing that they actually want is an opportunity for self-expression or a chance to propagate some personal view. Again, I say, “prayer and praise to God” should be the main function of the prayer meeting. There must be some direction given for the prayers; keep the people praying objectively; aid worshipers in keeping their minds and hearts in the spirit and attitude of worship. Do not encourage rambling minds.

Proper motivation is a thing of prime importance. Perhaps it would be easier to influence prayer meeting attendance with a supper, a film, or certain entertaining features; but the motivation for a prayer meeting should be a desire, a passion to meet God, to prevail in prayer until the church enjoys a glorious spiritual awakening and, as a result, men are won to God.

When a church can easily enlist a large number to participate in a Christmas play or a cantata, but fail to interest them in prayer, that church is in a bad way and only by God-directed, drastic measures will it ever recover.

Many “old-time” churches have long ceased having prayer meeting. I pray God that the holiness churches will never fall prey to such coldness and indifference. May our midweek service ever remain the hour of “prayer and praise.”

Home Extension Report

A New Look for the New Westville Church!

New Westville

David Seeley, Pastor


We are excited to be a part of Community Bible Church of New Westville! Early in the summer, a small congregation formed in the home of David and Tori Seeley. The home extension committee invited the congregation to use the New Westville facility and become a home extension church of Central Yearly Meeting. Our people are very unified and excited about what God is doing here. 

We have recently installed new carpet and a new sound system. We have also added “new to us” pulpit and chairs. Praise the Lord for sending us these blessings!

Teen View

Forgiven At the Cross

Fran Peck

I laughed and mocked as He walked that day,
up a hill to redeem my soul.
I joined the crowd to spit and jeer, 
and I watched His sorrow grow.
I drove every nail deep in His hands
with every sin in my heart.
My rebellion shoved the thorns in His head,
and my strife tore His robe apart.
I used my hatred to give Him a bitter drink,
and I glared down on Him with pride.
I thought of past disappointments,
and with my anger, I pierced His side.
I denied His power and ignored His worth
and stood waiting for His life to end.
I watched the last drop of His blood fall,
not knowing my grief would begin.
I looked around to find His accusers,
but no one was there but me.
I looked at my hands; they were stained with blood,
and then I began to see.
Conviction slowly entered my heart,
and I dropped all my weapons of choice:
the pride, the anger, the hatred, the lust,
and then I heard His voice.
"Forgive her Father, I died for her.
I paid the price for her soul,
I bore her sickness and all of her pain,
and now I have made her whole."
He looked down on me with loving eyes.
He saw my present, my future, my past.
He knew I needed a Savior,
and my soul had found Him at last.
I looked around to find His accusers,
but no one was there but me

Church News

Union Friends Church

Westfield, IN

Mark Mowery, pastor

Greetings from Union Friends Church!

In November we welcomed Heidi and Jamin Edwards as members to our church. They have both been very active in many projects and ministry efforts in the church and it was so good to have them join us officially. We trust the Lord will continue to bless their endeavors.

In December we chose to participate in the Westfield In Lights Event to promote our Drive-thru Christmas program. A requirement for vendor participation was that we needed to sell something. Nicole Thomas made 150 hot cocoa bombs to sell, and we handed out cards for the Christmas program. We felt that God really blessed this effort!  We saw a huge increase in attendance this year. Our drive-through Christmas program “The Innkeeper’s Son” was written by Nicole Thomas and narrated by Paul Stetler. We had wonderful help this year from everyone in the church as well as from Union Bible College. We had 115 people come through for this program—a record for us!

 In January we hosted the Union Bible College winter revival. It was good to see the church packed out! We bought a van to help transport children for Kid’s Club, a need that had become quite pressing with the growing number of children. God brought in the $15,000 purchase price in about 2 weeks—a blessing and a miracle! Once bought and paid for the van seats were immediately filled up! We bought a mini bus and those seats also are filling up! Praise God! The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis is the new theme of Kid’s Club, and the children love walking through the wardrobe into another world. Pray that their hearts are stirred to love Jesus more and ask Him into their hearts. Pray especially for Jamin and Heidi and their helpers as they work with these children.  We have also had some of the parents come and attend the Sunday School hour.  Pray for us as we endeavor to reach those in our mission field.

 In February we hosted our family fun night, back by popular demand and well attended by the community. We are looking forward to spring time as we seek God’s guidance in some new ministry opportunities. We are preparing to hold revival services March 21-26.  Pray for Bro. David Fulton as he ministers to us and also that God will give us a mighty outpouring of His Spirit.   We trust God will bless you all as we pray together for His leadership.

Randolph Friends Church

Randolph, IN

Jonathan Edwards, Pastor

What a beautiful month of fall weather we enjoyed in October!  The leaves were showing off for our wonderful creator!  October 2, Missions Sunday, the Steps Ministry Team shared a presentation updating the congregation of the ongoing of the Steps. The Steps children also helped by sharing an exciting Bible story.  We are so thankful for this ministry God put into motion 18 years ago!  Sunday, October 9, Hannah McDowell shared with us in our evening service the exciting medical ministry God has enabled her to be a part of in Honduras.  We were also happy to have a visit from Josh and Annie Bundy and their children all the way from Alaska!   

October 23, was Pastor Appreciation Sunday.  Randolph always finds unique ways to honor all the pastoral team!  Three of the children of the church gave an adorable perspective on what they think it means to be a pastor. The church choir sang a beautiful song.  The youth gave sweet recognition to the Youth Pastor, Jesse Edwards, with a special power point depicting different youth sharing what his ministry has meant to them.  Cards and gifts were also presented.  Julie Covert gave accolades to our beloved Charlie Stalker!   We are so grateful he has been able to teach and preach again!  A very sweet and touching rose ceremony including a power point giving tribute to a character trait of the pastor’s wife that each rose represented.

Special recognition was then given to the senior pastor in true Quaker fashion, by submitting several reports all pertaining to Pastor J’s pastoral performance.  Blake Smithson led the business session.  Esther Coner gave an interesting Historical Report, including the details of some of Pastor J’s very first sermons as a child. Luke Dotson gave the Statistical Report, humorously detailing distinct mannerisms of the pastor while he is preaching and also a detailed report of length of sermons.  A “self appointed” committee has been keeping track of these details for the last year presenting them on a power point so we could all have the facts!  Luke used all these details to make parallels to what a great pastor we really have!  Last, the Chairman of Housekeeping Committee, LuRhe Edwards, gave a report detailing care for the pastor for over 30 years!  The open body gave a resounding “satisified” in response to the reports given.  (You can enjoy our reports on, Randolph Friends Church, October 23, 2022 at minute marker 51-103.)

 November ushered in the extra busy time for the Steps Ministry Outreach.  The Steps children worked very hard on learning the script and songs, recording lines and practicing the play for our annual community outreach to be performed on December 3rd and 4th.  God graciously met with us as we presented, “Zach and His Pocketful of Change!”  The play started with Jesus’ coming prophesied, to His birth, then on to His earthly ministry.  The main part of the story follows the life of Zaccheus and several characters of the New Testament, as their lives possibly intertwined, but all definitely coming to an encounter with Jesus!  And, oh, what a change He made!!  All the children did an excellent job ministering to 250 on Saturday and 270 on Sunday in attendance!  One of the teachers at the public school said, her students said their favorite part is where Zaccheus met Jesus and they loved the song, “Salvation has come to this place, the whole wide creation is touched by His grace!” We are so thankful for this opportunity to minister to our community!

 December brought some beautiful snowy weather, but not enough to miss services.  Several of our youth were able to attend the annual Teens Triumphant in Beech Grove, Indiana during Christmas/New Years vacation.

 January through February 2023 have been pretty “normal” months with not as much extra activities.  Word of Revival fires spreading from Asbury College in Wilmore, Kentucky have been encouraging!  We echo with the songwriter, “Holy Spirit, fall on this place!!!”  We want Revival fires to burn in Randolph County!  We are praying II Chronicles 7:14. 

 The Pastors recently hosted a Sunday School Staff/Fellowhship meeting at their home.  We appreciate all the time and love our teachers/bus personel put into the ministry.  Coming up the first weekend in March will be our annual Youth Retreat.  Praying for God to ignite a fire in our young people inspiring them to live holy lives for Him! 

~ LuRhe Edwards, Correspondent

Picture (1) is Joseph, Mary and Baby Jesus.

Picture (2) is Steps Cast.

Picture (3) is Lazurus and Jesus.

Picture (4) is Legion's family talking to Jesus.

Picture (5) is Legion being set free from the chains.

Picture (6) is Legion is changed!

Picture (7) is Zaccheus meets Jesus!

Sparrow Creek Friends

Winchester, IN

Daniel Edwards, Pastor


          Tim Keep, of the Shepherds Global Classroom, visited Sparrow Creek on Sunday evening, October 9, to present the message of this worthy effort to our congregation. As he explained, the need for proper development of pastors and church leaders around the world is sorely needed, and this organization is helping to fill the void. We’re grateful to support this unique cause prayerfully and financially.

Once again we were privileged to host the talents of the Syphonic Wind and String Ensemble from God’s Bible School as they ministered to us in music on October 16. Many visitors attended with us to appreciate the gifts of these Kingdom-serving young people. We were pleased to reward their efforts with a special noon meal afterwards, along with prayers for their continued spiritual direction.

Becoming renewed and re-grounded in our relationship with God is good at anytime, but taking in a spiritual restoration before the busy days of the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays has always been well-timed. As in past years, Sparrow Creek hosted its Fall Revival November 8-13, and we’re trusting that those in attendance came away with a mindset full of the simple truths that were presented. Evangelist John Ingram and his wife Dorothy came to our meeting from Virginia and, along with beautiful music from the Jonathan Glick family, gifted us with a wonderful spiritual week. Messages that centered on single verses, and even sometimes two or three words within the verses, illustrated God love and care and prompted soul searching of our own devotion and love to the Heavenly Father. If it wasn’t possible for you to join us in person for those messages, please take the time to look at our Facebook page where the recorded services have been preserved for viewing.

Prompted by the spirit of giving that the Christmas season encourages, our teen Sunday School class, in conjunction with Melissa Avery and Monica Myers and their connection with the Muncie Mission, enlisted the help of the church family in a “Supply Campaign” for the homeless. Collection of travel-size toiletries and person care items between mid-November and December were then provided to the mission for distribution to those in need. We’ll pray that this outreach might ease a few difficulties for those who may oftentimes be living out of a backpack.

Although the expected holiday virus outbreaks came again to Sparrow Creek, many were still able to join in with our annual Christmas carol event on December 14. As always the singing cheer was followed by gathering at the local Beeson House for a time of holiday food and fellowship.

It has seemed a long time coming, but we’re happy to now have an updated and beautiful sign to identify our church to passers-by. Along with the sign installation, much-needed cement walkways have also been added at the rear entry and along the side of the meetinghouse. So on your next visit to your Friends at Sparrow Creek, we hope that you, too, will enjoy these special improvements!

~ Bryan Kendrick, Correspondent

In Memory

Hugh Morton Kendrick, 86, of Mooreland passed away Friday, December 30, 2022, at Glen Oaks Health Campus in New Castle. He was born October 15, 1936, in Parnell, KY a son of the late Joseph Hugh and Ima Mildred (Carr) Kendrick.

Known to be one of the best basketball players in Mooreland Bobcat history, Hugh was very proud of his ability to play basketball at a high level and was the leading scorer in Henry County during his high school playing days; he graduated from Mooreland High School in 1954. Following high school, Hugh married the love of his life, Jodelle Lewis; they were happily married for 66 years prior to her passing in January of 2022.

Hugh was a 1989 retiree of Dana Corporation in Hagerstown and served the company for approximately 35 years. He also had a farm and enjoyed raising cattle. Hugh also enjoyed Kentucky Wildcat Basketball, annual fishing trips to Canada with his buddies and he loved growing a large garden every year just to share it with others.

Survivors include his children, Hugh Bryan (Diane) Kendrick of rural Farmland, Lori (William) Halstead of Mooreland and Brenda Blevins of Lexington, Oklahoma; grandchildren, Lindsay (Kaine) Snyder, Zachariah (Tamara) Blevins, Shelby (Ryan) Barnes, Tyler (Reba) Halstead, Derek Halstead, Nick Halstead, Russ Cronk and Ryan (Stacci) Cronk; 19 great grandchildren; cousin, Joseph Bruce (Jolena) Sutherland of Muncie; and many friends and his church family.

In addition to his parents, Hugh was preceded in death by his wife, Jodelle (Lewis) Kendrick; sisters, Margaret Atchison and Joanne Ramirez.

Services were held Wednesday, January 4, 2023, at Mooreland Friends Meeting in Mooreland with Pastor Brenda Earley officiating.

Esther L. (Newman) Avery, 71, of Zanesville, gained her heavenly wings at 6:53 A.M. on Friday, February, 17, 2023, at Genesis Hospice Morrison-House surrounded by her loving family.  She was born May 9, 1951, in Zanesville, a daughter of the late Alfred and Virginia (Kennedy) Newman. She was the Pastor of the #10 Mission in Glouster, Ohio. Esther was ordained as a Pastor in the Christian Nation Church.

She is survived by her loving husband of 46 years, Kenneth D. Avery Sr., whom she married, May 8, 1976; two daughters, Monica (John) Myers and Melissa Avery; three grandchildren, Janae, Bradley and Lillian; three sisters, Dianna Baum, Sheila (Dennis) Hood and Sharon (Denny) Adams; and one brother, Rev. Terry D. (Laura) Newman.

In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her son, Kenneth D. “Bud” Avery Jr. and a brother-in-law Charles Baum.

Funeral services were held at The Union Tabernacle Church, Zanesville, IN, on February 23, 2023, with Pastor Daniel Edwards, Rev. Mark Avery, and Rev. Terry Newman officiating. 

Mid-Year Conference

March 25, 2023

Union Friends Church, Westfield, IN

Bro. David Fulton - Speaker

Morning Service: 10:00 AM

Noon Meal: Hosted by Union Quarter

(Each family is asked to bring a side and a salad or dessert.)

Afternoon Service: 1:30 PM


The Friends Evangel *Update*


The Friends Evangel